Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June 30, 2010.

I still curl my hair. I try to look as best as I can, with what I've got. Though, I'm bland in the face and round in the body. I hate looking in the mirror. I hate it. I want to break it. Lately, when I catch a glimpse of myself being happy in an outfit for just a second, I do not look in the mirror the rest of the time I am getting ready, because I know, sometime, I will figure out something that I hate about it, and change, and just get more frustrated. So when I am satisfied even for a second, I try to stay that way, so I do not end up putting myself through the agony of changing clothes, messing up my room, and eventually hating myself entirely because I can't seem to lose a single pound no matter how little I eat or how much I work out. The mirror is my worst enemy at the moment. That, and myself. Why did I do this fast again? Because I care too much about how I look? News flash: it's only getting more evident and difficult as the year goes on. I literally cannot look at myself in the mirror right now. I want to cry. And this sucks. This sucks. This sucks. Damn you, Rachel Zoe. Damn you, Sarah Michelle Gellar. Damn you, self, for being hungry, damn you, food, for being tasty. Damn damn damn.

1 comment:

  1. You can still eat.
    You have to watch what you eat & actively cut unnecessary parts out of your diet (Soda, sweet drinks, frappichinos, fatty & greasy snacks, useless carbs)

    Losing weight consists of 80-90 percent diet and 10-20 percent exercise. You can exercise everyday, but many people may not lose weight because they are just not eating healthy.

    You also do need to have some sort of work out regiment, weights should also be included (lean muscle helps burn calories).

    If you fuel your body with bad fuel, you'll just end up feeling crappy.

    The food might feel and taste great at the time, but do you feel worse after minutes or hours of eating it?
    Example: In & Out Cheeseburgers
