Friday, January 29, 2010

January 29th, 2010.

So, I've had a week to mull it over and I think I'm good. It's been almost a month now and the face I am seeing in the mirror is becoming friendlier and more familiar. I don't mind it so much. In fact, I've caught myself seeing makeup on other girls and thinking "They would be so much prettier without it." And now I finally understand my brother's true comments all this time. He's sincere, but I could never believe it. He didn't like it when my sister and I put make up on at all. He would ask us why we had to cover our face and we would just brush it off. But I sort of get it now. Not to mention is makes getting ready about a billion times easier than ever. I'm getting comfortable and sort of enjoying this. No more sadness with this fast. Nope. It's refreshing. Just thought I'd share.

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